Soon time for Camp WriMo

July! The wonderful month of July!
And so there is Camp WriMo!

i o i o i o i o i o i o i o i o i o i o i
(Just a happy crying out loud)

I have already signed up. Have set a goal for 31000 words. I managed to increase the words in April, from 15000 to 24000 and yet finished a couple of days early. So now I’ll start with 1000 words per day on average, and might maybe be able overachieving that setting.

I plan to continue to write on “The Solar Eclipse”, and since I also am about to integrate “The Mechanical Man” in that story, I gather I might have a decent chance to get a full Fantasy novel out of this.

Well! I have to write more than these 31000 words though. Of course!
For the time being, I have a total of 34100 words. With the upcoming 31000 it will only be 65100. Need a bit more to get a good Fantasy story.

I just have to have a nice dragon in there as well, you know. A magic dragon!

Anyhow! I really look forward to July 1, and the challenge. Just the bare thought of it, makes me feel a heavenly thrill of anticipation in me

Concerning the Eclipse and the mechanical man, please do pay attention to the menu. You’ll find a couple of excerpts from The Eclipse under “Short stories”. The Mechanical Man – you also find from the menu, all nine parts.