More than once, is not enough

Now, when browsing my old entries, I found a post that I thought was both fun and had bearings on my present situation in time. So here is that particular part of the post, that was originally written in the end of June 2019, just before CampWriMo in July, was about to begin.

It really picked me up and gave me a GO!!! 👍👍👍

… I have absolutely no idea how to continue writing.

But it will come to me. I have all the time I need, so skip the fact I have written so little during the last weeks. I expect my Muse to show up and whisper in my ears. Just as he has done many, many times before.

Yes. You read right. My Muse is male. His name is Albert and he is a tough one. Most times he looks like a forty-something years old biker with big muscles and a huge mustache covering most of his face. He always demands a large mug of black coffee and a bacon butty. The larger the better.

“Come on, come on,” he says and waves his hands towards his belly. I don’t have bacon now and wonder how he will react to hummus on the bread instead. And a tomato…
I hope he still will make me laugh, though.

Other times he comes as an old wise man. Almost like a monk in his appearance. And he bows to me with his palms put together and whispers positive affirmations in my ears, He prefers herbal tea or just plain water. It doesn’t seem like he has a name. Every time I ask, and that’s every time he comes, he just smiles at me and bows. Always bowing.

He is weird, but I like him. With him, I write the best. In my mind, I call him Yogi. He must be able to read my thoughts, because every time I think that name, he smiles at me and crinkles his face in a cooing laugh.

Some times a young woman has come. She claims to be me when I was young, but I don’t know… That sounds like nothing more than a fairy tale. I didn’t look like that when I was young, with big curly red hair and hazelnut eyes. I always wished I looked like that, so maybe it was me in another time, in another life?
She is the quirky one. The one who gives me the odd characters and the foul words, And the urge to dare myself.

Edit now: Info – a bacon butty is a kind of sandwich, often double and with a smashy filling. The expression is British.

butty1 | ˈbʌti | (also buttie) noun (plural butties) informal, mainly Northern England – a filled or open sandwich: a bacon butty. ORIGIN mid 19th century: from butter

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